[dev] Filters, Vacation, etc. as service, not driver

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Thu, 19 Sep 2002 13:50:41 -0400

Quoting marcus@riboflavin.net:

> There have been suggestions of merging sork, ingo, etc., to provide
> one location for vacations, forwards, etc., as well as having IMP use
> a filters driver structure.  Instead, why don't we make them api
> services controlled by the registry.  If I like Ingo's filters, but
> not the vacation stuff, I can define mail/vacation as sork's vacation
> module and mail/filters as ingo.  For filters, if no service is
> registered, IMP can fall-back on its internals.  That way if you want
> to play with Ingo but just not define the filter service.

This is a pretty cool idea. The only major roadblock is that current the
registry doesn't allow more than one application to implement, for instance,
the mail/* API. I think I know how to fix this, though, and will take a look
in the next few days hopefully.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
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