[dev] module for horde?
Eric Rostetter
Sat, 28 Sep 2002 20:25:09 -0500
Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org>:
> Wouldn't it be useful for users, too, assuming your particular site provides
> shell access?
My thoughts exactly. It would also be useful for admins to get into the
web server. But it is most useful for users to get into a machine, web
server or other.
> I'd be all for it, personally.
Okay, well, we need to decide, if you want it, what you want done.
First, we'd need to create a CVS module for the code (java+html+php). That
means doing the hard job of coming up with a name for it ;)
Second, the code needs clean up, but it does work.
Third, the code as stated above will only allow you to connect back to the
web server (due to Java security -- the client can't connect to anything
except the server it downloaded the applet from). So to allow connecting to
a different machine, you need to use a "ssh relay" daemon. If you want to
add that also, then it should probably go into a seperate module, no?
No sense mixing the C code daemon(s) with the html+php+java code.
Anyway, I submit this for three reasons:
1) The ultruistic reason: Maybe others will find it useful.
2) The selfish reason: I'm tired of having modules in my site that don't
exist in CVS (so I can make upgrading/updating easier, etc).
3) The practical reason: I started integrating it into Horde over 2 years
ago, and never really finished... Maybe more people working on it will
push it along faster....
> -chuck
Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin
Why get even? Get odd!