[dev] Re: [cvs] commit: accounts README forwards README giapeto README gollem COPYING README hermes README ingo README jeta README klutz COPYING README backend.php comics.php index.php menu.php prefs.php midas README odin README passwd README trean README vacation README

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Wed Oct 16 05:30:02 PDT 2002

Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org>:

>   Log:
>   Add missing readmes, flesh out some readmes, and clarify some license
>   information.

Everything should have a README now. App authors for whom I added READMEs, 
feel free to change/expound/whatever.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"People ask me all the time what it will be like living without otters."
 - Google, thanks to Harpers

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