[dev] Re: commit: horde/config hooks.php.dist passwd main.php passwd/lib/Driver sql.php

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Wed Oct 16 19:57:45 PDT 2002

Quoting Eric Rostetter <eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu>:

> I'm open to either solution: Either pass the full Auth::getAuth() to
> the drivers, or revert back to splitting it and sending both.  But it
> should do one or the other.  Passing only the userid (unconditionally)
> is broken.

So is splitting it; that logic should be in the hook. You should pass the
result of the hook to the drivers, imho.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
"People ask me all the time what it will be like living without otters."
 - Google, thanks to Harpers

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