[dev] Quota 'NO LIMIT' Bug - reopen?

Leena Heino Leena.Heino@uta.fi
Mon Nov 25 13:53:01 2002

Could someone else test wheter this patch fixes works with all the quota

I've tested this with Cyrus and it seems to work ok in following
user's quota is set and no mail -> quota usage / limit
user's quota is set and some mail -> quota usage /limit
user's quota is not set and no mail -> quota unlimited
user's quota is not set and some mail -> quota unlimited
user's quota is set unlimited and no mail -> quota unlimited
user's quota is set unlimited and some mail -> quota unlimited

--- imp/lib/Quota.php.orig	Mon Aug  5 09:04:10 2002
+++ imp/lib/Quota.php	Wed Nov 20 11:52:45 2002
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
     function _quotaHtml($used, $total)
-        if (!empty($used) && !empty($total)) {
+        if ("$used" !== "") {
             $used = $used / (1024 * 1024.0);
             $total = $total / (1024 * 1024.0);
             $percent = ($used * 100) / $total;

  -- Leena Heino (liinu at uta.fi)

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