[dev] PHP 4.2.3 silently dies in imp/compose.php

Roman Neuhauser neuhauser at bellavista.cz
Sun Jan 12 21:59:39 PST 2003

# neuhauser at bellavista.cz / 2003-01-10 17:11:11 +0100:
> I have a problem with php-4.2.3 dying silently in IMP-3.1/Horde-2.1.
> apache-1.3.27
> php-4.2.3
> pear-Log-1.5
> Horde-2.1
> IMP-3.1
> roman at freepuppy ~/install/horde 1026:0 > grep -En '(\$Horde|->call)' imp-3.1/contacts.php
> 3: * $Horde: imp/contacts.php,v 2002/06/05 22:46:50 jan Exp $
> 26:$source_list = $registry->call('contacts/sources');
> 65:$results = $registry->call('contacts/search', $apiargs);
> It dies on line 65, the second call to $registry->call(), the script
> then doesn't output anything. "echo 'FOO'; exit;" put just befor the
> call *is* sent to the browser, if I move it below, I get no output
> again.

    it was a PEBKAC: a misconfigured Turba dying in an attempt to
    contact an LDAP server (PHP was configured without ldap).

    i don't know how i missed it was actually dying in a different
    place... :(

    sorry for the noise.

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