[dev] Horde admin patches.

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Mon Jan 13 16:59:04 PST 2003

Quoting Chris Bowlby <excalibur at hub.org>:

> The one catch with that is that anyone with admin can re-enable them via
> the permissions system. The whole idea was to lock them out of being able
> to do that, other wise I would have left them enabled. Each of our clients
> get's access to the admin account, to be able to add/remove email accounts
> (I'm not about to admin all the email accounts for all my clients, I've
> got no time as it is :>). But, by enabling this in the permissions system,
> any one with admin can re-enable the features.

Anyone that you let use the perms system, anyways. Seems to me that the
whole system just needs to be smart enough to handle this.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
must ... find ... acorns ... *thud*

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