[dev] Oracle Documentation

Torsten Flammiger torsten at flammiger.org
Wed Jan 15 21:21:20 PST 2003

Hi all,

in the actual cvs and also in older horde/scripts/db/README you write 
that you need
some help about Oracle:
... [we need instructions for creating the
database and user here].

That should be it.  Restart Oracle just to be sure, and try it.  Then
create the tables within the "horde" database:

[Also need those instructions here.] ...

So i would like to contribute some details on how to create a single 
on how to add an instance to an allready running database and maybe
to other things -- when there is interesst in this case and no one is 
allready  working
on it and of course i can answer your questions :)


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