[dev] Oracle Documentation #1

Torsten Flammiger torsten at flammiger.org
Sat Jan 18 14:53:31 PST 2003

This will be part 1 of 2

"Create a new database and use it with horde"

Please report bugs, errors, correction, etc !!


-------------- next part --------------
This is not my first documentation! but my first in english.
Feel free to contact me at torsten at flammiger.org if you have 
any suggestions or problems related to this docs

All i will write about Oracle with Horde is based on Oracle >= 8i
though it should work with 9i too. 
( Cant test it 'cause my test pc only has 256mb of ram! too poor
for 9i ! )

I think (i'm sure) 'Up to date' available distributions
are capable to run Oracle. I have tested it on
Slackware 7.1/8.0 (8.1.6) and have running it on Gentoo 1.2 (
without any Problems. Some distributions are certified like SuSE or 
RedHat. On Debian it should also run.

Furthermore i'll assume, that no "normal" User is going to install
or is in need to install an Oracle DB (of course there are some freaks ;)
so knowledge about setting up and maintain an Oracle
DB is indispensable! Maybe this is the reason why no Admin
has ever posted any docs about getting Horde work with Oracle

NOTE: all docs are available from www.oracle.com for free (AFAIK)

Now let's begin:

Case 1) 
I'll assume that you do not have an instance running and therefore
are about to install a fresh instance "horde" .

--	check and if needed change shared memory parameters
--	create at least the dba group
--	create your oracle user, name it as you like
	make sure your ora-user is in the group dba
--	su - <your fresh oracle user>
-- 	set up all the appropriate environment variables for oracle
	take a close look at the install howto provided by oracle
--	mount the CD (if it is your source media)
--	run the script runInstaller - better to have X11 installed ;)
	Attention: If you are about to install Oracle 9i
	do NOT run the installer from directly from your CD!
	like cd /cdrom and then start it by typing ./runInstaller
	you won't be able to unmount the CD later on but you have to
	because 9i is a 3CD-Set
--	follow the instructions given by the installation programm
	at the point where you are asked for the installation method
	choose "user-defined". This ist especially very IMPORTENT if you
	are about to install 8i since you have to patch the installation
	BEFOR you create your database! If you not choose "user-defined"
	the program "dbassist" will automatically start at the end of
	the installation process and will hang and/or fail.
--	at the end of your installation you have to configure your listener.ora,
	tnsnames.ora and your sqlnet.ora This is all done by the
	installation programm. 
--	Now: if you use 8.1.7 get the patch glibc-2.1.3-stubs.tar.gz from Oracle. 
	It's at the same page like the db-source. Install as described in README.stub
	(it's in the package so first untar it somewhere else or use 'mc' )
--	Now create your database. Run "dbassist"
	It's now on you to decide how big the initial tablespaces are, how many
	control files you like, of course how it's name will be and what
	option you plan to use like InterMedia. It's Your Decision !
	(BTW: the defaults will work and are very time consuming ;)
	At the end let the dbasist program save the configuration. You can choose
	location and name. Now you can close dbassist.
--	change to the location where you stored the scripts and take a short look
	at least into oraclerun.sh and oraclerun1.sh. If all is OK create the database:
	run ./oraclerun.sh. 
	Sit back take a cup of coffee and hope all will be good ;)

	If you choosed the InterMedia option the creation process will take
	about 2 and a half hour (on my 500MHz-P3 :-). Without Java it will take
	about 1 hour. (this both ist short - 9i takes as min. twice that time !)
	NOTE: choosing InterMedia will give you enhanced possibilities for storing
	and manipulating media files. Look at http://intermedia.as-dataservice.de/
	for an example...
	ANOTHER NOTE: if you installed 8.1.7 and afterwards applied an aktuell
	patchset (like you MUST repatch your installation with the 
	glibc-stubs patch or your DB won't run
	PROBLEMS ?: Look at www.orafaq.com for your answer

All went fine? Good, lets go ahead and create a new tablespace called horde

--	The Database should run after it was succesfully created. Login as user system
	or sys (like you prefer). The passwords where written to you on STDOUT.
	Please change them! I know databases running for years storing important data
	and still have the default password !!
	(manager for system and change_on_install for sys)

--	sqlplus sys/change_on_install@<your SID>


	This is indeed very simple but it works and nothing has to be in uppercase
	letters. After a few seconds or minutes - depends on how many megabytes
	you gave to that tablespace - a new datafile has been created.

--	We can now create a user with default tablespace HORDE, lets name him horde:


--	commit your work: > commit;
	and log out
--	login as user horde: sqlplus horde/<password>@<your sid> and create the tables
	!<path to horde>/scripts/db/oracle_create.sql and commit your aktion: > commit;
	the tables will be created in the default tablespace for your horde user
OK now you can configure Horde to use your Instance but after a reboot Oracle
will not start automaticly. That is was we are going to configure now.

--	logout of oracle, login as user sys or <your oracle user> 
	and shutdown your instance: (hope your oracle user is in the group dba -
	if not he can't shut down your instance)
	> connect internal
	> shutdown immediate
	and logout...
--	test the script "dbstart" in $ORACLE_HOME/bin If the DB does not start
	you have to edit it or create a link from $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/init<sid-name>.ora 
	to $ORACLE_HOME/admin/<sid name>/pfile/init<sid-name>.ora
	( dbstart will look for your sid-files in subdir "dbs" but these are stored
	under $ORACLE_HOME/admin/<sid name>/pfile/ - this maybe is a bug in the oracle
	installer )
	test "dbstart" again - now it should work, i hope

--	edit the file /etc/oratab
	Change the line
	<sid-name>:<your Oracle Home - Full qualified path>:N   to
	<sid-name>:<your Oracle Home - Full qualified path>:Y

--	now change or create a startup script which is executed at boot time. It should contain
	something like this:
	su - <your oracle user> -c "<hour path here>/bin/lsnrctl start"
	su - <your oracle user> -c "<your path here>/bin/dbstart"

	and of course your instance should be stopped a regular way. Place this
	in the appropriate script which is executed at shutdown time

	su - <your oracle user> -c "<hour path here>/bin/lsnrctl stop"
	su - <your oracle user> -c "<your path here>/bin/dbshut"

--	test it

End of Case 1)

Case 2)
You have an allready running instance and and would like to add an new one

>> will follow in about 1 or two weeks

End of Case 2)

I hope that there are not so many spelling mistakes ( my native language is german ) 
and that this will be helpfull for someone

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