[dev] Reference module ?

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Thu Mar 6 15:31:28 PST 2003

Quoting Mathieu CLABAUT <mathieu.clabaut at free.fr>:

>   In the hypothetical situation where I can manage to get some time to
>   work in a new  horde module, where should I look to have a good idea
>   of the 'state of the art' use of horde classes ?
>   In other word, what is the reference module which should inspire my
>   coding (imp, whups, turba, ? ) in particular, in the use of templates,
>   Forms, ....

For templates and forms, Whups, Giapeto, Midas, and Agora are a good way to
go. Turba currently uses some Horde_Form stuff. For a basic module, there's
skeleton, and for coding standards/practices, IMP and Nag are always good.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
I know there's fish out there, but where g-d only knows.

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