[PEAR-DEV] Re: [dev] Re: Horde Browser.lib and Crypt_PGP

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Wed Mar 26 13:52:47 PST 2003

Quoting "Damian Fernandez Sosa (DESC)" <damlists at cnba.uba.ar>:

> Here is an example that happened to me:
> I needed to mass-create the pgp keys to 3500 users those users lives in a
> mysql DB, the priv key is in the same db but the public in an LDAP. (I
> need this to allow all my 3500 users to have pgp functionality without
> asking them to create the keys  )
> Using the Pear packages  and the re-factored PGP class the work was
> making a 30 lines script instead of a more large program.
> the same script now is used in my site to allow the new created users to
> automatically have pgp activated before they log-on for the first time.
> As you can see making that work class compatible has its benefits.

You aren't listening to me/reading what I write/understanding me/something.

What I asked you to do was, instead of forking a new package, submit to
Horde a package.xml file along with any necessary changes/patches, so that
we can build a PEAR package from the code in Horde CVS and make it
installable as a PEAR component. Upload it to pear.php.net, put it on
pear.horde.org, both, whatever. But you have, at least 3 times now,
completely failed to address this question: why won't that work? Why do you
need to fork the code?


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
"... It is not more light we need, but more warmth! We die of cold, not of
darkness. It is not the night that kills, but the frost." - Miguel de

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