[dev] Re: [cvs] commit: ingo/docs CHANGES ingo/config conf.xml ingo/lib Storage.php ingo/lib/Storage prefs.php

Brent J. Nordquist bjn at horde.org
Fri Apr 18 17:56:41 PDT 2003

On Fri, 18 Apr 2003, Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at bigworm.colorado.edu> wrote:

> Added Ingo_Storage:: driver to allow for storage of rules in various
> backends.

Looking good!  Your changed files and my whitelist files are a disjoint
set so far.  :-)  Thanks for providing this.

One thing we should talk about:  The 'blacklist' and 'blacklist_folder'
preferences have been serving double-duty.  The values are the literal
blacklist and the "default rule" that the user is specifying.  I was then
using the "preference is locked" mechanism as a way of specifying whether
those should be user-settable, widgets displayed in the UI, etc.

It was an elegant solution when the backend was preferences only... but
now I'm not sure that adding an isLocked() method to the Storage API is
the right path forward, esp. since the other backends won't have a similar
notion of "locked" unless we write one.

My vote would be to take that method out of the API, and rewrite the code
that was using it to use a more standard config/*.php configuration item
for lock-down.  Make sense?  I'll be happy to do that mod. when it comes
time, if you want.

Brent J. Nordquist <bjn at horde.org> N0BJN
Other contact information: http://www.nordist.net/contact.html
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