[dev] Fwd: alarm winpopup

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Fri May 2 13:05:34 PDT 2003

----- Forwarded message from chris at igaware.com -----
    Date: Fri,  2 May 2003 17:05:42 +0100
    From: Christopher Moore <chris at igaware.com>
Reply-To: Christopher Moore <chris at igaware.com>
 Subject: alarm winpopup
      To: chuck at horde.org


I'm about to write a program to facilitate alarm notifications via Win popup
dialogue boxes. Are you aware of anyone else working on the same, just so I
don't waste my time.
Briefly, it does the following:

1) PHP script runs via cron every x minutes.
2) The script looks up alarms in horde database.
3) Determines whether a user should be notified.
Looks up the IP address of the machine the user last logged in on. ( I was
to search in /tmp/horde.log - or whatever) to get the "Login success" line.
this stored in the database at the moment?
4) Use smbclient -M to send winpopup message to machine.

Regards, Chris.

----- End forwarded message -----


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
The alligators were there, too, in a bathtub inside the house.

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