[dev] horde/config/conf.php customization

Dmitry Diskin dda at ic.ru
Tue May 20 12:56:19 PDT 2003


We are using LDAP as an authentication backend of Horde and we need to 
extend driver's capabilities to remove and modify LDAP entries.

We also need to allow the driver to work with different LDAP schemas. 
For example, listUsers function should list 'mail' attribute instead of 
'cn', and it should filter out all records except ones having

   objectClass='JammMailAccount', etc.

So I'm extending the Auth_ldap driver, and probably my modifications 
will be useful for others.

The question is: what is a common way of introducing new configuration 
entries to conf.php? For example, I added this:

$conf['auth']['params']['userlist']['filter'] = 
$conf['auth']['params']['userlist']['display'] = 'mail';

Is this the proper way?
Should I introduce a $conf['ldap'] section ?

Any guidelines in extending conf.php please ?


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