[dev] Patch: plain.php (take 2)

Marc Jauvin marc at register4less.com
Thu May 29 16:01:43 PDT 2003

Quoting Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at bigworm.colorado.edu>:

> Quoting Marc Jauvin <marc at register4less.com>:
> | Quoting Marc Jauvin <marc at register4less.com>:
> |
> | > OK, here is a "smarter" way of fixing tab expansion.
> | > Please, let me know if this is not acceptable.
> |
> | This version should be used instead. It fixes a problem when the "\t"
> | appears as
> | the first character on a line.
> Maybe this should go in Text:: instead.

Sure, so it can be reused!

Marc Jauvin

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