[dev] horde/lib/horde.lib

steve mailling at gmx.co.uk
Thu May 29 17:02:52 PDT 2003

I don't get this function: addScriptFile
Why do we have:
         if (ob_get_length() || headers_sent()) {
             $url = Horde::addParameter($registry->getParam('webroot', 
'horde') . '/javascript.php', 'file', $file);
             $url = Horde::addParameter($url, 'app', $app);
             echo '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" 
src="' . Horde::url($url) . "\"></script>\n";
         } else {
             global $_horde_script_files;
             $_horde_script_files[$app][] = $file;

And not just:
             global $_horde_script_files;
             $_horde_script_files[$app][] = $file;

I don't get how to add a javascript file in the list whitout making the 
echo at the start?

Thank you


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