[dev] Fwd: Horde: class.browser.inc

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Tue Jul 1 05:42:47 PDT 2003

> ----- Forwarded message from izzysoft at qumran.org -----

> just a little update for the browser detection: Konqueror v3+ supports
> JavaScript version 1.5 (not 1.1), so the block should read:
>                 $this->setBrowser('konqueror');
>                 $this->setQuirk('empty_file_input_value');
>                 $this->majorVersion = $version[1];
>                 switch ($this->majorVersion) {
>                   case 3:
>                     $this->setFeature('dom');
> >                    $this->setFeature('javascript', 1.5);
>                     break;
> >                  default:
> >                    $this->setFeature('javascript', 1.1);
> >                    break;
>                 }
> so it's at least correct for the current version. Not sure about the
> older ones ;) (Marked the changed lines with a ">").

Can one of our Konqueror users confirm/commit this or whatever the appropriate
patch is?


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
The alligators were there, too, in a bathtub inside the house.

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