[dev] bugs in midas (and related)

Marko Djukic mdjukic at horde.org
Wed Aug 20 18:43:13 PDT 2003

Quoting Tim Gorter <email at teletechnics.com>:

> Hi there,
> couple of bugs I have found in Midas,
> midas/templates/menu/menu.inc
> line 21 image perms.gif is not being called properly. (no image
> displayed)
> in apache access_log the GET call shows that the path to
>  - - [21/Aug/2003:00:02:34 +0000] "GET
> /graphics/?Horde=7aa38c634bbf87bf72e06d5f907875c2//perms.gif HTTP/1.1" 403
> 3323 .........

ok fixed thanks.

> lib/Forms.php
> in creating new add
> I get error
> Fatal error: Failed opening required 'Date.php'...... in
> /horde-head/lib/Forms.php on line 1961
> and on checking it does a require_once, without telling where Date.php might
> be..

this is a known PEAR bug they are missing a file from their package, you need to
download the Span.php file manually from PEAR and stick it in your Date dir in
your local PEAR directory, try:

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