[dev] WHUPS

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Wed Sep 10 16:58:54 PDT 2003

Quoting Tim Gorter <email at teletechnics.com>:

> Basically I am wondering if I am correct on the following presumptions..
> Modules
> - a job / project

Or a product, etc.

> Types
> - The type of job it is, i.e. web page development, code writing, design
> graphic...


> associated..
>     states     - assigned, accepted...
>     priorities - level 1 - 5


>     attributes - ?????

Anything else you need stored in the ticket - PHP version, Browser version,
building, etc.

> Subject
> - sub parts of mudule, ie. module Horde, subject IMP

No. Subjects are just hardcoded subjects (summary lines) for tickets, if you
don't want people to be able to type their own.

> I looked at the documentation of Bugzilla, on which it is mentioned on the
> Horde website that WHUPS it is based, but heck I don't see too many
> similarities...

It's not really based on Bugzilla at all. That was a very, very early
inspiration, but the project has come a long way since that.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
They're just looking at a wall of meat.

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