[dev] Delete confirmations all over the place.

Tyler Colbert tyler-hordeml at colberts.us
Thu Sep 18 16:27:22 PDT 2003

Quoting Tyler Colbert <tyler-hordeml at colberts.us>:

> There are lots of spots that needed delete confirmations.  With Chuck's
> commit
> as a guide, I've managed a bunch of them.  I did this based on the comments
> in
> an earlier thread about irrevokable steps needing confirmation and that
> people
> dont believe that a pref is needed to control them.

So is the lack of response to these patches a tyler-did-something-wrong?  or
just a we-havent-got-time-yet? or perhaps a we-didnt-see-that?

Also, I think I read somewhere that someone was interested in a Wiki for Horde. 
Is there any interest in this?  I ask because I've been putting one together
because I need one, and I'm open to sharing.

Tyler Colbert

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