[dev] Delete confirmations all over the place.

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Thu Sep 18 16:31:17 PDT 2003

Quoting Tyler Colbert <tyler-hordeml at colberts.us>:

> So is the lack of response to these patches a tyler-did-something-wrong?  or
> just a we-havent-got-time-yet? or perhaps a we-didnt-see-that?

I saw it; I kind of hoped someone else would take care of it, and I thought that
a bunch of them actually were of the kind that could use a user preference.
Sorry for just letting it go; there's been an awful lot on my plate.

> Also, I think I read somewhere that someone was interested in a Wiki for
> Horde. Is there any interest in this?  I ask because I've been putting one
> together because I need one, and I'm open to sharing.

There was some talk on IRC the other day about doing this as a "style" applied
to a set of pages (or a whole site) in Giapeto. We still need the
Text_Filter_wiki parser and the revision control, though. So I'm definitely
interested in whatever you've come up with.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
Born right the first time.

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