[dev] Horde Wikie (was: Delete confirmations all over the place.)

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Tue Sep 23 09:15:57 PDT 2003

Quoting Tyler Colbert <tyler-hordeml at colberts.us>:

> Sorry about the slow reply.  Ive been quite busy.

Us too. No worries. :)

> I could never get Giaeto to work for me (didnt try very hard as I dont really
> need that functionality).

Okay. If you're interested in poking at it more, feel free to ask questions here
or on the Giapeto list. Otherwise, hopefully someone will take your work and
apply it to Giapeto at some point.

> Currently what I have working is fairly infantile.  It is based on the
> skeleton application.  Im using phpwiki for a sample feature set.  It still
> has a long way to go, particuarly in Text_Filter_wikiwords.  The filter is
> currently just 10 or so preg_replace's and falls quite a ways short of full
> wiki markup.  If the filter is what you want, I'd suggest holding off for a
> while until I get the rest of the system far enough along that I start working
> on a more full-fledged markup, which shouldn't be too long.
> The revision control currently stores full copies instead of just diffs.
> Like I said, its still early in the project.
> The rest of the system (history, recentchanges, searching, etc) is about 50%
> operational right now.

Cool - all of it sounds interesting/useful. If you'd be interested in sharing
the code, or in working on it in Horde CVS, let us know. And keep us posted on
how it goes!


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
Born right the first time.

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