[dev] Proposed reorg of some scripts in the horde/ module

Roman Neuhauser neuhauser at bellavista.cz
Fri Sep 26 16:28:21 PDT 2003

# chuck at horde.org / 2003-09-26 18:49:06 -0400:
> Quoting Eric Rostetter <eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu>:
> > Okay.  But we can do it in smaller chunks if needed, rather than
> > trying to do it all at once.  If we (you, I'm too busy to help much)
> > come up with a great layout, then move it all.  Otherwise, maybe a
> > piece-meal move towards that goal, with that goal in sight, will
> > work and make for less work...
> I saw this as an achievable goal, actually. As opposed to what Roman
> mentioned being "irked" by.

    I'm not sure I understand this, do you mean that what I outlined is
    not achievable?

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