[dev] Unofficial Demo site upgraded ...

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Thu Oct 2 01:49:02 PDT 2003

Zitat von Marko Djukic <mdjukic at horde.org>:

> it is actually a prefs problem. i've managed to trace it down to
> $prefs->_prefs
> being null. ie. not even reading in the defaults stored in prefs.php.
> hence
> menus don't get to see the 'both' setting for menus.
> why it is not reading the prefs.php at first load, no idea. spent way too
> many
> days on this.

As far as I was able to trace this (yes, I see it too, but only randomly
because I have most preferences stored), the default prefs *are* actually
read but *forgotten* somewhere on the way.

That's btw the reason for the failed unserialize warnings in the portal edit


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