[dev] problem with search and delete

Didi Rieder adrieder at sbox.tugraz.at
Thu Oct 30 07:15:01 PST 2003

Quoting Didi Rieder <adrieder at sbox.tugraz.at>:

> I'm having porblems with deleting messages that are displayed in the "search
> result" window after searching:
> There was an error deleting messages from the folder "**search". This is what
> the server said: Please select a mailbox first

> (Horde/Imp CVS/HEAD)

Any news about this issue? (With yesterdays CVS it still happend)

Also "Empty Trash" does not work: When I click on it I get "Emptied all messages
from INBOX.Trash." but actually no messages are being removed from the Trash


Didi Rieder
adrieder at sbox.tugraz.at
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