[dev] any one have any ideas on this?

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at bigworm.colorado.edu
Thu Nov 6 09:12:54 PST 2003

Quoting Eric Rostetter <eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu>:

| With an old CVS HEAD, I have no problems with IMP searches.
| With a newer (current and anything for the past several months) on the
| same
| machine,  I have spuratic problems with searches, and one reproducible
| problem
| with deleting search results.  I see these problems no other time than
| during
| searches.
| When I do a search, get the results, and then try to delete the last
| message
| in the results (via any method) I get a very strange imap server problem,
| ala:
| imapd[22517]: Logout user=ericr host=localhost.localdomain []
| imapd[22525]: imap service init from
| imapd[22525]: Command stream end of file, while reading
| line user=??? host=localhost.localdomain []
| imapd[22526]: imap service init from
| imapd[22526]: Authenticated user=ericr host=localhost.localdomain
| []
| imapd[22529]: imap service init from
| imapd[22529]: Authenticated user=ericr host=localhost.localdomain
| []
| imapd[22526]: Killed (lost mailbox lock) user=ericr
| host=localhost.localdomain
| []
| imapd[22529]: Logout user=ericr host=localhost.localdomain []
| imapd[22533]: imap service init from
| imapd[22533]: Command stream end of file, while reading
| line user=??? host=localhost.localdomain []
| imapd[22534]: imap service init from
| imapd[22534]: Authenticated user=ericr host=localhost.localdomain
| []
| imapd[22536]: imap service init from
| imapd[22536]: Authenticated user=ericr host=localhost.localdomain
| []
| imapd[22534]: Killed (lost mailbox lock) user=ericr
| host=localhost.localdomain
| []
| imapd[22536]: Logout user=ericr host=localhost.localdomain []
| imapd[22543]: imap service init from
| imapd[22543]: Command stream end of file, while reading
| line user=??? host=localhost.localdomain []
| It seems that it:
| * Tries to connect but fails
| * Tries to connect/login, succeeds, but thinks it failed? So,
| * Tries to connect/login, succeeds,
| * Since it is logged in twice, the second one can't get the mailbox lock,
|   and kills itself.
| * The first one exits also, via proper logout, for some reason.

no idea.  It works fine for me.  When deleting the last message in the
mailbox (any mailbox, not just search), the server has to repoll the
mailbox, and if there are no search results the browser will get
redirected, which may be why you are seeing two connections attempting to
be made.  However, after redirecting, the IMAP connection should be closed
since the original script will exit, so if it is not being closed correctly
it almost sounds like a PHP issue (I am using PHP 4.3.4 and courier-imap,


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at bigworm.colorado.edu]
The University of Colorado at Boulder

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