[dev] Horde Metar Block

Rick Emery rick at emery.homelinux.net
Mon Nov 10 07:56:30 PST 2003

I have a horde metar block that is seperate from jonah (mostly) and uses pear's
Services_Weather module. It needs some clean-up (I still need to look at CODING
STANDARDS) before I'll be ready to post patches, and I have a couple of
questions I hope somebody can answer for me:

1. Right now, I'm using the metar.php(.dist) file from horde/jonah/config for
the locations and ICAO codes, but I'd like to pull this information from the
horde database (Services_Weather comes with a nice little script that populates
a couple of tables from NOAA data). Is there an example I can look at for
getting block parameters from a database instead of a file?

2. PEAR's Services_Weather files are throwing a couple of Notices at the top of
my summary page (probably because of my horde debug level; I don't get them on
a php script I wrote from scratch). Is there an example of how I can silence
them? I don't want to modify the PEAR files unless I have to.

Thanks in advance

Rick Emery

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the Earth
 with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there
 you will always long to return"
                                              -- Leonardo Da Vinci

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