[dev] Patch for imp/lib/Maillog.php (and a question)

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at bigworm.colorado.edu
Mon Dec 22 16:20:53 PST 2003

Quoting Gary Windham <windhamg at email.arizona.edu>:

| > Had the same concern as you - that this info could pile up pretty quickly
| > (it's why I coded the fairly CPU/resource expensive "remove maillog entry
| > when deleting" stuff into IMP in the first place).
| I couldn't seem to find any sign of this code in CVS...was it there at some
| point and then removed?

Look at IMP_Message::delete().

| > Then again, the information could be fairly valuable (e.g. a year from now
| if
| > something comes up and I want to know if I ever did reply to that person,
| that
| > info could sure come in handy) so it definitely seems like something that
| will
| > need to be tweaked on a per installation basis.
| I agree.  While I really like the IMP history logging,  I wonder if it is
| more
| than offset by the huge volume of data we will be accumulating, as well as
| the
| fact that a lot of it will be stale/unreferenced (e.g., thousands of students
| come and go each semester, people delete their mail from other clients, etc).
| A configuration option to enable/disable IMP history logging would be (at
| least
| to me) very attractive.

This has been added to CVS.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at bigworm.colorado.edu]
The University of Colorado at Boulder

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