[dev] Folder List

Ben Chavet ben at chavet.net
Wed Jan 7 10:43:21 PST 2004

I am having similar problems.  The (bool) patch fixes the errors, but everything
is still listed twice.  I am running redhat 9 with imap-2001a-18.


Quoting Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at bigworm.colorado.edu>:

> Quoting Rick Emery <rick at emery.homelinux.net>:
> | BTW, I noticed in the cvs log messages there were some references to
> c-client
> | imap-2002. I'm running a Red Hat 7.3 server with imap-2001a. Could that
> make
> | a difference?
> It might.  This line in lib/Tree.php checks for the presence of the
>  $this->_imapchildren = (bool) (($box->attributes & LATT_HASCHILDREN) ||
> ($box->attributes & LATT_HASNOCHILDREN));
> imap-2001a doesn't set either LATT_* constant in the 'attributes' return from
> getmailboxes().  imap-2002+ has one or the other set, so this should return
> true.
> I just committed the (bool) part to explicitly cast the result as a boolean -
> see if this helps out at all (or better yet, put a debug line in to see if
> this
> is indeed being set to false for you).
> michael
> ______________________________________________
> Michael Slusarz [slusarz at bigworm.colorado.edu]
> The University of Colorado at Boulder
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