[dev] Whups Dutch Initial translations (gziped)

Stefan de Konink skinkie at xs4all.nl
Thu Jan 15 15:21:10 PST 2004

Dear List,

These are the initial translations of the Whups ticketing system, I presumably don't have CVS access I ask if someone can put it in. This is the file after i translated it, so i have no clue if every text fits in right. But know someone else know there is a translation.
A month ago I made the Dutch Mnemo translations complete too, this is this at my working place. I'm new to horde and pear, but within a month there can be someother modules expected from me for managing networks and DNS systems.

About the lasting I have a question: How is the horde project facing non-html interfaces inside a horde module. I normally don't use flash for example. But the thing I'm planning to do with Ming (Flash generation in PHP) could be very cool. Like to hear the opinion about this.


Stefan de Konink

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