[dev] Moon block patch

Joe Jenkins joe at nerdnet.com
Thu Jan 22 14:32:57 PST 2004

Just a cosmetic patch for the Moon Block.

I fixed some spelling errors in the Moon phases block and added an indicator
of "Northern or Southern" Hemisphere so that the block looks more like other
blocks in Horde.

Joe Jenkins

Patch is attached, here is the code:

--- moon.php    Thu Jan 22 15:26:20 2004
+++ moon.php.patch      Thu Jan 22 15:19:41 2004
@@ -51,8 +51,11 @@
             $dates  = array_slice(array_keys($phases), $lastNew, 4);

-        $html  = '<table width="100%" height="100%"><tr>';
+       if (isset($this->_params['hemisphere']) &&
$this->_params['hemisphere'] == 'northern') {
+               $location = "Northern Hemisphere"; } else { $location =
"Southern Hemisphere"; }

+        $html  = '<table width="100%" height="100%"><tr>';
+        $html .= '<td colspan="4" class="control"><b>' . $location .
         $html .= '<td width="25%" align="center">';
         $html .= Horde::img('block/moon/newmoon.gif', _("New Moon"));
         $html .= '<br/>' . strftime('%d %b', $dates[0]);
@@ -60,9 +63,9 @@

         $html .= '<td width="25%" align="center">';
         if (isset($this->_params['hemisphere']) &&
$this->_params['hemisphere'] == 'northern') {
-            $html .= Horde::img('block/moon/lastquarter.gif', _("First
+            $html .= Horde::img('block/moon/lastquarter.gif', _("First
         } else {
-            $html .= Horde::img('block/moon/firstquarter.gif', _("First
+            $html .= Horde::img('block/moon/firstquarter.gif', _("First
         $html .= '<br/>' . strftime('%d %b', $dates[1]);
         $html .= '</td>';
@@ -74,9 +77,9 @@

         $html .= '<td width="25%" align="center">';
         if (isset($this->_params['hemisphere']) &&
$this->_params['hemisphere'] == 'northern') {
-            $html .= Horde::img('block/moon/firstquarter.gif', _("Last
+            $html .= Horde::img('block/moon/firstquarter.gif', _("Last
         } else {
-            $html .= Horde::img('block/moon/lastquarter.gif', _("Last
+            $html .= Horde::img('block/moon/lastquarter.gif', _("Last
         $html .= '<br/>' . strftime('%d %b', $dates[3]);
         $html .= '</td>';

begin 666 moon_php.diff
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