[dev] Anyone use the guest services link?

Rick Emery rick at emery.homelinux.net
Mon Jan 26 08:14:00 PST 2004

Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:

> Quoting Rick Emery <rick at emery.homelinux.net>:
>> To this point, the only permissions I had ever set up were for the 
>> shares (in
>> kronolith, mnemo, and nag). After activating the menu, I expected to see no
>> applications (since I hadn't set any guest permissions on any applications).
>> On the contrary, all of my "active" apps were listed in the menu.
> When we first implemented the new application permissions system, the default
> was to assume open access if an explicit permission didn't exist. It's been
> changed (today in CVS) to assume open access for logged in users, but NOT
> guests, if no explicit permission is set. So now the state is: 
> permissions have
> to be explicitly set to deny authenticated users from an app, or to 
> grant guest
> access to an app.

Sounds good. I get it now.

>> Now, when I go to the login screen, instead of the menu I get a message that
>> imp isn't configured in the registry.
> With current CVS, do you see this? If you created a blank permission for IMP,
> try either deleting it, or explicitly granting your user/group READ access to
> it (if a permission exists, then it's honored explicitly, so a blank 
> permission
> basically means deny from everybody).

I was finally able to update from CVS this morning. I forgot to mention that
I'm using imp for authentication; I have this vague memory of a cvs commit 
which comment mentioned something about using imp for authentication not
working yet, and thought it might have applied to the $conf['menu']['always']
setting, but I would have dismissed it then (since I wasn't using that
setting) and can't find it in the archives now.

Anyway, this is the behavior I'm seeing now: when I go to the initial screen
(the login page), the left frame (where the menu should be) displays a fatal
error that imp isn't configured in the horde registry (the log indicates this
is from line 66 of [path-to-pear]/Horde/Auth/application.php). If I log in, I
get the horde portal, but no frame on the left. If I log out, I get the
initial screen (with a messsage that I've logged out), again with no left
frame. If I log in again from this screen, the portal page comes up with the
menu in the left frame, and everything works as expected.

As per the above, I deleted the empty imp permission I had set (no change), and
then created an imp permission giving me READ access (again, no change).

I'll try to do some troubleshooting on this, but I'm not familiar with the code
involved, so hopefully my comments above will help point in the right
direction. Of course, since I haven't seen anyone else complain of problems,
I'm fully aware that this is probably a configuration error on my part and has
nothing to do with the code :-)

>> 3. Can anyone share some information that will make the permissions system
>> clear to me?
> Hopefully the above helps.

It did, thanks!


Rick Emery

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the Earth
 with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there
 you will always long to return"
                                              -- Leonardo Da Vinci

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