[dev] building from cvs

Marko Djukic mdjukic at horde.org
Sun Feb 22 18:52:02 PST 2004

Quoting Hal Robertson <hal_robertson at yahoo.com>:

> Hello,
> I would like to set up a Horde development
> environment.  I just checked out the latest (untagged)
> versions of both Horde and Framework a few minutes
> ago, and was able to run the pear install script for
> the framework no problem.
> However, while trying to configure everything, I'm
> getting a little confused as to if I'm using the right
> folders, versions, or what, because of all the broken
> references using HORDE_LIBS.

they shouldn't be broken. if you have run the install script for the framework,
those packages should now be in your pear directory. if your php scripts can't
even see the pear directory, then your whole pear should be "broken". check the
test.php script.

> I have the framework directory underneath my horde
> directory, and have since renamed it to, "Horde" so
> the /horde/lib/core.php file can resolve it's
> references, except... they're still all wrong.

no. once you run the framework install script this directory will not be
actively used.

> The util.php class is a fine example.  In core.php
> it's referenced as HORDE_LIBS . '/Horde/Util.php,'
> when, in the framework I just checked out of CVS, it's
> actually in HORDE_LIBS . '/Horde/Util/Util.php'.   I
> changed core.php easy enough


> Do I need to check the Horde and Framework projects
> out of cvs with a specific tag if I want to set up a
> usuable environment?


> Or is the current cvs version not usable.

it *is* usable.

> and I should just use snapshots?  Are any of the recent
> snapshots somewhat stable?

of course.

Marko Djukic
Horde Project (http://horde.org)

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