[dev] Fwd: [PEAR-DEV] MDB2

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Tue Mar 2 15:10:05 PST 2004

Anyone interested in writing some MDB2 drivers for any Horde apps? Would be
interesting to support SQL drivers other than PEAR basic DB.

----- Forwarded message from smith at backendmedia.com -----
    Date: Mon, 01 Mar 2004 22:30:16 +0100
    From: Lukas Smith <smith at backendmedia.com>
Reply-To: Lukas Smith <smith at backendmedia.com>
 Subject: [PEAR-DEV] MDB2
      To: pear-dev at lists.php.net


I must admit I am a bit disappointed with the download rates of MDB2 and
the lack of feedback so I will take this opportunity to plug it a bit :-)

Here are the main features that will make you drop whatever you are
using now to switch to MDB2:
- all simple things in MDB2 are more or less BC compatible with MDB (the
  LiveUser containers are more or less just s/MDB/MDB2)
- alot of the complications and confusions of MDB are solved in MDB2
(like LOB support, tons of rather redundant methods)
- MDB2 is faster
- MDB2 is even more similar from the API to DB than MDB was (for example
MDB2 also has result objects)
- support for unbuffered queries
- support to better expose native RDBMS specific functionality like the
frequently requested getInsertID()
- support for php5 Iterators
- support for the auto* methods from DB (through an on demand module)
- fully working SQLite driver
- MDB2 is actually already very stable and atleast the MySQL driver is
already in production for me (the main reason its only alpha at this
point is that I am still waiting if there is a need for other features -
the code itself has been under development for 9 months now)

I would also like to take the opportunity to refude some common myths on
MDB[2] in general:
- MDB[2] is not slower than DB (the same feature set is more or less as
fast - something are actually faster!)
- MDB[2] does not parse the xml schema at runtime (this would be
performance suicide)
- MDB[2]'s advanced features are optional and you can pick and choose
which features to use (some might require others though)

Anyways if you are not yet installing then I would like to hear why so
that I can come up with a solution.

For those of you who are downloading now you should be able to get a
good overview of how to use MDB2 by looking at the following example:

Also take a look at the test suite included in the package.

Finally I am keeping the package.xml uptodate througout the entire
development process so you can always grab the latest version from the
CVS and package it up easily.

Lukas Smith
smith at backendmedia.com
   berlin at backendmedia.com

   Linn Zwoch Smith GbR
   Pariser Str. 44
   D-10707 Berlin

   Tel +49 30 83 22 50 00
   Fax +49 30 83 22 50 07

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