[dev] Notifications and embedded hyperlinks

Jon Parise jon at horde.org
Thu Mar 4 22:54:16 PST 2004

On Thu, Mar 04, 2004 at 11:39:34PM -0500, Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:

> >As a compromise, I'd like to go ahead and add the $flags parameter.
> >Then, we could have the following flags:
> >
> >    NOTIFICATION_RAW    - don't peform any encoding / conversions
> >    NOTIFICATION_WIKI   - perform Wiki-style translations
> >    ...
> >
> >That will give us the flexibility to try different implementations in
> >the future without modifying the API.  Suggestions on better flag
> >names (or additional flags) are welcome.
> That's fine with me. Two suggestions - how about using strings for
> the flags, like we use strings for the message types (just for
> consistency, mainly). So 'markup.raw' (default), 'markup.wiki', etc.
> Also, then non-markup flags could have a different prefix. It's a
> namespace! ;)

How would you combine flags from multiple namespaces?
> Second, how about a markup.html type, since that'd be much lighter
> weight than wiki markup and also simple for things like the
> Horde_Mobile listener to strip.

Okay.  For consistency, I'd suggest:

    markup.raw      No encoding or converions.
    markup.plain    HTML entities are converted to allow plain text. 
    markup.html     HTML entities are either rendered or stripped.
    markup.wiki     Wiki-style commands are interpretted and rendered.

Jon Parise (jon at horde.org) :: The Horde Project (http://horde.org/)

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