[dev] HTML composition

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Tue Mar 16 13:12:10 PST 2004

Zitat von John Morrissey <jwm at horde.net>:

> FWIW, I tried the new, improved HTML composition on a few different web
> browsers; here's what I came up with:
> Mozilla 1.6 Mac, 1.5 Windows, IE 6 Windows, Firebird 0.7 Windows: Everything
> works great, but backslashes in my signature are stripped out in the
> plaintext part (only - not in the HTML part).


> IE 5.2 Mac: message body is run through htmlentities(), and the link changes
> to 'Switch to plain text composition,' but HTML widgets never show up. When
> I hit 'Send Message,' IE looks like it's trying to connect, but never does
> (nothing in my web server access logs and netstat shows no connections from
> that machine).

Fixed (IE on Mac isn't supported by the editor).

> Safari 1.2 (v125) Mac: When I click 'Switch to HTML composition,' I get
> redirected back to the plain text composition page and another copy of my
> signature is added to the message body.

Fixed (see above).

> Chimera 0.6 Mac: HTML widgets show up, but the message body won't take the
> focus. If I select the body with the 'Path:' widget at the bottom, none of
> the HTML widgets have any effect. I probably shouldn't be surprised, since a
> JavaScript warning pops up beforehand warning that HTMLArea probably won't
> work with "Mozilla < 1.3."

If Chimera identifies itself as Mozilla, this version shouldn't get the link
anymore either (as all Mozillas below 1.3).

> The backslashes thing sounds like a bug in the MIME classes or in HTMLArea
> someplace, but I probably won't have time to track it down for a few days.

It was actually in the HTML-to-text-converter.

Thanks for the reports!


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