[dev] Request for comment : displaying a contact more than once

Etienne Goyer etienne.goyer at linuxquebec.com
Tue May 18 14:21:32 PDT 2004


I am currently working on a request from a client.  I would like to 
build a solution that would be generic enough to be of use to other and, 
hopefully, be integrated in mainstream Horde.

In this particuliar case, the Turba attribute list contain two email 
attribute (email and email2).  We would like to have both listed in 
imp/contacts.php.  The way I can see doing this is to have the API 
contact/search return one contact instance for each attributes of type 
'email' one object have.  The same object could thus appear more than 
once in the result set, depending on how many attributes of type 'email' 
it have.

However, this will be confusing for the user as there will be more than 
one contact with the same label (the name) listed, so something will 
have to be added along with the name.  I suppose the label of the 
attribute used to generate the contact would be a good candidate.

Does this make any sense ?  Caveat about implementing that ?  Any 
suggestion on better way to achieve that ?  Assuming this is well done, 
could this be something worth comiting in CVS ?  Should this be made a 
hook instead ?

Thanks for your input !

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