[dev] [patch] horde/templates/javascript/tree.js
Benoit St-André
ben at benoitst-andre.net
Wed Sep 15 08:00:10 PDT 2004
Chuck Hagenbuch a écrit :
> Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:
>> No, I don't really like it. And I miss completely why we need two ways to
>> expand a node.
> Ease of use. The + is something of a small target, and labels don't have
> any
> other purpose; it *is* overloading the meaning, but users expect it to be
> clickable. Jenn (my wife) is usually a pretty good barometer of these
> things, I
> find, and when we did the Horde_Tree based menu, the first thing she
> asked for
> was to make labels clickable for expand/collapse again.
> I agree it needs to be treated differently from if there will actually
> be an
> action. But I do think we should find a way to make them expandable through
> clicking.
> -chuck
Another thing that has not been mentioned yet is the possibility to keep
an app on the first level of the tree, making it clickable. I know it
was possible to do this easily with the registry before the Horde_Tree
based menu.
It is a little feature that I find useful, for an install with little
apps (5-8 apps), it may be useful to see Address book for instance on
the top level and being able to access it without expanding a node.
Benoit St-André
ben at benoitst-andre.net
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