[dev] Skeleton - uses

Steve Daniels horde at stedaniels.co.uk
Wed Sep 15 13:35:59 PDT 2004

Andrew Coleman wrote:

> Quoting Steve Daniels <horde at stedaniels.co.uk>:
>> I'm not 100% sure, but can I use skeleton as a basis for creating a
>> commerical horde module, or do I have to create a commercial module from
>> scratch?
>> Just wondering, because I don't want to even read the source for
>> skeleton if I'm not allowed to use it to create a commercial module.
> Check out:
> http://cvs.horde.org/co.php/skeleton/LICENSE?r=1.2

I did, I was just checking that I'd read it correctly, so as long as I 
leave this:
"This product includes software developed by the Horde Project
Somewhere visible in the commercial module it's ok?

Sounds good to me :-)

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