[dev] VFS::SMB for Gollem

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Thu Sep 16 07:59:10 PDT 2004

This looks like a great contribution, but as the license question is an all
or nothing issue, I'll comment only on this for now.

Zitat von Patrice Levesque <horde.wayne at ptaff.ca>:

>   I used lots of code from the SMB::ftp module and from the phpsmb
>   module [ http://xhawk.net/projects/other/ ].  phpsmb is GPL-licenced,
>   so this module is, too, and I added the original author to the module
>   preamble.

This is not possible unfortunately, because the VFS package is released
under the LGPL. If this driver should become part of the official VFS
package, you need to ask the original author if he agrees changing the
license of the modified code to LGPL.


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