[dev] Small correction to kronolith/lib/Kronolith.php

Etienne Goyer etienne.goyer at linuxquebec.com
Thu Sep 23 09:09:10 PDT 2004


Here are a few fixes to make Kronolith iTip invitation better.  I do not 
submit a patch since I do not have a recent HEAD verison installed, but 
I checked against the current HEAD via the web interface and I can see 
these still need fixing.

This is all to be done in kronolith/lib/Kronolith.php from line 1236 
down to line 1252 in the sendiTipNotification() function.

First, add :


to make the iTip display alongside the body of the message in IMP when 
the itip mime_driver is set to display inline.  mutlipart/alternative 
message only show the text/plain part otherwise.

Also, add:


before $mime->send() is called.  Otherwise, events which description 
include 8 bits character are displayed funny in IMP and Outlook (ie the 
Ä UTF8 sentinel is displayed).  I have not read the [v|i]Calendar RFC so 
I do not know if this break something, but it make IMP and Outlook happy.

There are more small corrections I found, I'll send them this afternoon 
as I isolate and test them.

Thanks !
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