[dev] Small correction to kronolith/lib/Kronolith.php

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Thu Sep 23 20:35:44 PDT 2004

Quoting Etienne Goyer <etienne.goyer at linuxquebec.com>:

> Here are a few fixes to make Kronolith iTip invitation better.  I do not
> submit a patch since I do not have a recent HEAD verison installed, but
> I checked against the current HEAD via the web interface and I can see
> these still need fixing.
> This is all to be done in kronolith/lib/Kronolith.php from line 1236
> down to line 1252 in the sendiTipNotification() function.
> First, add :
>          $mime->setType('multipart/mixed');
> to make the iTip display alongside the body of the message in IMP when
> the itip mime_driver is set to display inline.  mutlipart/alternative
> message only show the text/plain part otherwise.

Sounds reasonable enough to me, but what does that do (if anything) to how
Outlook treats it?

Seems like this is more of an IMP client issue than a Kronolith issue.

> Also, add:
>               $body->setCharset(NLS::getCharset());
>               $ics->setCharset(NLS::getCharset());
> before $mime->send() is called.  Otherwise, events which description
> include 8 bits character are displayed funny in IMP and Outlook (ie the
> Ä UTF8 sentinel is displayed).  I have not read the [v|i]Calendar RFC so
> I do not know if this break something, but it make IMP and Outlook happy.

Seems good to me - added, thanks.

> There are more small corrections I found, I'll send them this afternoon
> as I isolate and test them.

K, let us know. :)


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