[dev] Dynamic sidebar menu elements not refreshing

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Mon Nov 8 06:50:09 PST 2004

Quoting Rick Emery <rick at emery.homelinux.net>:

> I have kind of a unique situation, anyway. My ISP blocks port 80, so 
> I use 443
> to get to the web server. When I changed the horde configuration to force
> non-SSL, I got page timeouts (as I expected), but tested it from within my
> home network and the sidebar still didn't update. Is there a reason SSL would
> cause a problem?

No, but the js httpclient not speaking https was the only thing I could 
come up
with. This is really only being seen by you; I don't know what to tell you at
this point other than to go debug. Look at the access logs, trace the code,


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