[dev] Dynamic sidebar menu elements not refreshing

Rick Emery rick at emery.homelinux.net
Tue Nov 9 07:45:27 PST 2004

Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:

> No, but the js httpclient not speaking https was the only thing I could
> come up
> with. This is really only being seen by you; I don't know what to tell you at
> this point other than to go debug. Look at the access logs, trace the code,
> etc.

Sorry to bother everybody with this again, but I need some guidance.

In horde/templates/horde/menu.inc, in MenuUpdateHandler I added:


before and after the line:


On update (currently set to every minute), I get a pop-up of the javascript
code before the eval is performed, but the pop-up after never appears. Nothing
is logged in the javascript console (firefox) and no javascript errors are
reported (IE 6). In the source of the frame, I see, for example:

n_horde_menu['imp']['label'] = '<b>Mail</b> (31)';

After I read a message, I see in the pop-up:

n_horde_menu['imp']['label'] = '<b>Mail</b> (30)';

but the label in my sidebar never changes.

So, based on the evidence I have right now, the code in "result" appears
correct, but the "eval(result);" appears to be failing with no error logged to
the javascript console.

Can anybody give me advice on where to go from here?

Thanks in advance,
Rick Emery

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  with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there
  you will always long to return"
                                               -- Leonardo Da Vinci

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