[dev] alphaImageLoader patch

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Wed Nov 10 08:30:13 PST 2004

Quoting ViliusŠumskas <vilius at lnk.lt>:

> i experimented a bit with new alphaImageLoader and it seems, that IE 
> don't like /horde/services/javascript.php?file=alpha......... in css. 
> I changed it to /horde/templates/javascript/alphaImageLoader.htc and 
> now it works as expected.

Try what I just committed - I did it so it should still work for people who
restrict access to the templates/ dir and so the image location isn't
hardcoded. If it works for you I'll close the bug. Thanks for the

> By the way this new component is a LOT faster thank previous one. I've got
> 30-80% speedup on different machines.

That was the hope - good to hear. :)


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