[dev] <gettext> tag not being translated

Benoit St-André ben at benoitst-andre.net
Thu Dec 2 18:15:28 PST 2004

Hi list

I'm unabled to see the string DISABLED which is in 
ingo/template/filters/filter.html correctly translated. It seems that 
the <gettext></gettext> tags are not interpreted, even if the 
translation is in the po/mo files since a long time in french, I still 
see DISABLED instead of the translated string.

I've tried to do my homework and checked somewhere else where I could 
find other <gettext> tags. In horde's admin/setup/config.html , I have 
the string "Generated code" that is between those tags. I still don't 
see the localized string when I'm supposed to. When I grep it, I find it 
in the .mo files of horde, so it is really translated (since a long time).

Anybody got a clue ?
Benoit St-André
ben at benoitst-andre.net
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