[dev] Allowing reuse of accounts
spo_argento at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 25 05:39:50 PST 2005
Hi, I would like to share a problem I have, It would be nice if the
solution comes from Horde itself.
We have several thousands of clients with emails accounts. It isn't
rare at all for one of them to discontinue the service, and for a new or
existent user to ask for the unused address.
Some action would then be required to clean preferences and objects
from Turba, and things like that.
Although one way to go would be to trigger a process on the event of
the deleting of the old email address, we'd like to make the system to
collect its own garbage, sort of speak.
I have a way to get a unique ID for the account, which would change if
an account were deleted/recreated. I already made a driver which extends
Prefs_sql and modifies the user so ID and user get related and if ID
changes then it would be like a new account. For example, using sql
driver a preference would be stored:
pref_uid: jigermano at uolsinectis.com.ar_327876
pref_scope: horde
pref_name: show_sidebar
pref_value: 1
Which worked ok. But it doesn't seem to be so simple for Turba.
I was thinking if one of the hook functions could give me a solution,
or maybe a NEW hook funcion could be added and in conjunction with the
Auth class and the Identity class get the solution. The idea would be to
make the user ids for the backends uniques with the help of the new
For example, I modified Auth::getAuth() to add the ID; I got the same
result in prefs and in Turba:
object_id: 234f058dc1f2c2552cccf23aa8944998
owner_id: jigermano at uolsinectis.com.ar_327876
object_type: Object
20050124185240.456zgiw4291c at test207.sinectis.com.ar
object_members: NULL
object_name: Gonzalo Arana
object_alias: NULL
object_email: garana at uolsinectis.com.ar
object_homeaddress: NULL
object_workaddress: NULL
object_homephone: NULL
object_workphone: NULL
object_cellphone: NULL
object_fax: NULL
object_title: NULL
object_company: NULL
object_notes: NULL
object_pgppublickey: NULL
object_smimepublickey: NULL
object_freebusyurl: NULL
This is just for a test, since I have no idea what consequences will
the change bring to the system.
Is there an easier/more correct way to achieve this?
Thanks in advance,
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