[dev] Re: developing commercial horde applications

Markos Giannopoulos markg at apogee.gr
Sat Mar 5 06:42:08 PST 2005

> You seem concerned that the GPL and LGPL licenses might require you to
> release the client's code to the public, is that right?

correct. basically i'm trying to understand lgpl :)

Quoting Jason:

> First, I'd like to reassure you that no license in Horde /requires/ you
> to release your code to the public; the licenses require you to provide
> the code to whomever you give or sell the application (in other words,
> the client).

Quoting Chuck:

> ... and you have to give them the code under the existing license - you
> can't tell them not to distribute it.

Does that go for the code of my app or of horde? i mean, if i do an app from
scratch that uses horde as the framework (without modifying it) does it 
need to
be lgpl as well?

> Second, I'm wondering why you're concerned about this.  CRM isn't the
> kind of thing that might have business logic or other trade secrets, so
> why not release the code to the public?  We've had a couple discussions,

well, i might actually just do that, especially if i base it on turba, 
since the
idea is that it will be turba with an extra table to hold companies(e.g.
contacts belonging to companies), and some connections to nag and mnemo

thank you for the answers

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