[dev] Re: [patch] Cleanup giapeto blocks with titles

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Mon Mar 7 08:39:01 PST 2005

Quoting Roel Gloudemans <roel at gloudemans.info>:

> Is also possible. I'll try it. I went to the table, because I use a
> background for header and content. In this way they always fit neatly
> together. A div within a div should also work. (I'll do it when I get
> home)

Great, thanks.

> All is CSS what you see. The only template I modified was the Jonah
> newsitem view template and list (but since list is in /config it isn't
> really a code modification)


> Sadly, those headers don't work properly inside Horde. In a few places
> the header consists of multiple cells. This makes it really ugly.

Does that happen when the header has a floated span in it instead? I've 
been trying to (slowly) move that way.


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Quincy Adams

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