[dev] [patch] Accounts block password expiry

Roel Gloudemans roel at gloudemans.info
Sat May 7 02:07:39 PDT 2005


Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:

> Zitat von Roel Gloudemans <roel at gloudemans.info>:
>> In the account block, it is checked if the password is about to
>> expire, but nothing is done with the status message.
>> If the password is about to expire, a message is added to the account
>> block. As an extra, a message is placed on the notification queue. I
>> don't know how to make the message appear on first portal load. So
>> the message appears when entering a module. (The benefit is that in
>> this way it draws attention and might finally compel the users to
>> change the password before the account is locked ;-) )
> Good idea, but the patch didn't apply on the current version.
> Jan.
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